The price effects of cash transfer programmes: Insights from research
Cash transfer programmes are designed to reduce poverty and improve well-being, but do they also drive up local prices and harm those who don’t receive them?
The long-run effect of public works employment: Evidence from Tunisia
Public works employment in Tunisia has large, positive effects for both directly targeted individuals and their neighbours in the short-term, which mostly disappear five years post-programme
India’s National Education Policy: A need to look beyond the classroom to improve results
India should consider how government policies have both intended and unintended consequences for education, as they impact incentives to attend school
Changing beliefs about education: Evidence from rural India
Beyond simply telling them or showing evidence, how can we make children in developing countries believe that education has value?
Tourism and economic development: Evidence from Mexico's coastline
Tourism leads to long-run economic gains locally and in the aggregate. The local gains are in part driven by positive spillovers on manufacturing.
Estimating productivity spillovers among firm networks in Indonesia
Clustering of firms in Indonesia only leads to substantial productivity spillovers in a few industries, suggesting the need to review cluster policies