peace symbols on a blue background representing this podcasts theme of promoting peace

The role of economics in promoting lasting peace


Published 01.08.24

What are the key ingredients for curbing armed conflict and achieving a transition to lasting peace and prosperity?

More information on Dominic Rohner's new book "The Peace Formula".

Conflict destroys people, communities, and entire economies. In times like these, reducing the amount of armed conflict in the world, and promoting sustainable and lasting peace, is crucial if policymakers want to save lives and reduce poverty. The stakes could hardly be higher. In Dominic Rohner's new book "The Peace Formula", he outlines how economic forces play a major role in the outbreak and perpetuation of violence, but they also hold the key for positive change.

In this episode of VoxDevTalks, Dominic tells Tim Phillips what he has learned from historical episodes and cutting-edge academic research about how to promote peace and end armed conflict. The three key ingredients are work (providing jobs), voice (democracy), and warranties (security guarentees and state capacity).