Methods & Measurement
Measuring upward mobility in developing countries
What do we know about economic mobility in developing countries?
Helping vulnerable populations through adaptive field experiments
An adaptive field experiment aiming to integrate Syrian refugees into urban labour markets in Jordan sheds light on the effectiveness of different policies, while targeting the welfare of experimental participants.
Maximising impact: Open Philanthropy’s approach to choosing causes
If a grantmaking organisation wants to select problems based on a general measure of impact per dollar spent, how should it approach this goal?
Rethinking how we measure extreme poverty
Is it time for a new measure of extreme poverty?
How do policymakers interpret different types of evidence?
Better evidence doesn't necessarily translate into better policy. This podcast outlines how researchers can more effectively present their insights.
Boosting policy impact in development economics: Key insights from a decade of research
Evidence from a decade of International Growth Centre research projects sheds light on the types of research that have policy impact, and when impact is maximised.
Predicting terror attacks using insurgent networks and revenue streams
Al-Shabaab’s revenue streams and its position in the al-Qaeda network are strong predictors of its attacks and can be used to more accurately estimate the impacts of terrorism
Implementation matters: Measure it and account for it
Implementation metrics explain much of the difference in effectiveness for a set of education programmes across studies and settings, playing a key role in generalisability
Micro and macro research: Bridging the divide
Development economists can complement their research with techniques from across the "micro-macro divide" to improve the policy relevance of their findings