Yves Zenou
Professor of Economics & Richard Snape Chair in Business and Economics, Monash University
Yves Zenou is a Professor of Economics at Monash University. His fields of interest are social interactions and network theory; urban economics; segregation and discrimination of ethnic minorities; identity and assimilation of emigrants; economics of crime; and education. Yves Zenou is affiliated to the Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN, Stockhom), the Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR, London) and the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA, Bonn). He is an Advisory Editor at Games and Economic Behavior and an Associate Editor of Regional Science and Urban Economics and the Scandinavian Journal of Economics. He is Elected Fellow of the Econometric Society, Foreign Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, SAET Economic Theory Fellow, Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia and Fellow of the Regional Science Association International.