Aletheia Donald is an Economist at the World Bank’s Gender Innovation Lab within the Office of the Chief Economist for Africa, and a Non-Resident Fellow at the Center for Global Development. Her research experience includes the study of poverty, social norms, labor, and methodological work on survey data collection. Before joining the World Bank, Aletheia was a Research Fellow at Harvard’s Evidence for Policy Design and Head of Research for the NGO Empower Dalit Women of Nepal. She holds a Master’s degree in Economics from Yale University and a PhD in Economics from Sapienza University. Aletheia Donald's website is here.
Recent work by Aletheia Donald
How development programmes impact fertility rates in Africa
New causal evidence shows boosting African women's income and wealth increases fertility, particularly among women without a son, suggesting that this fertility increase is a means to safeguard long-term economic security.
Two heads are better than one: Agricultural production and investment in Côte d’Ivoire
Women’s inclusion in training, farm management and planning can boost the efficiency of agricultural production