How ethnic politics shapes labour markets in Africa
Ethnic politics in Africa shapes employment patterns, boosting agricultural jobs when ethnic groups gain political representation
Promoting national integration in Nigeria
Does exposure to other ethnic regions promote national integration?
Ethnic stratification: A new measure to predict social conflict
A new index of ethnic stratification reveals that ethnic differences matter for conflict if, and only if, they coincide with economic differences
Historical legacies and African development
The effect of colonisation on Africa’s modernisation is a highly contentious and emotional debate. The reality is trickier than you think.
How football can help build a nation
Even in the presence of deeply rooted divisions, shared experiences can be an effective nation-building tool and have a tangible effect on violence
Law of the land: Ethnic patronage in Kenya’s slums
Slum tenants face higher rents and lower investments when their landlord and chief share ethnicity, while gaining when their chief is a co-ethnic
Managing ethnic divisions in diverse societies: Evidence from redrawing political boundaries
Redrawing subnational political boundaries potentially reduces interethnic tensions yet also can create new ethnic divisions that exacerbate conflict
Goals and gaps: Tackling educational segregation of immigrant children
Career counselling helps close the immigrant-native gap in high-school track choice, grade repetition, and cognitive skills