Francois Gerard is a Reader in Economics at Queen Mary University of London. He obtained his BA at the Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium) and his PhD at the University of California, Berkeley (USA). His research lies at the intersection of Public Economics and Development, investigating questions related to inequality, social programs, taxation, and environmental policies in middle-income and developing countries.
Recent work by Francois Gerard
Sanitation and property tax compliance: Analysing the social contract in Brazil
A household’s access to the urban sanitation network can have a significant impact on whether it pays its taxes
Published 12.01.24
Cash transfer programmes can stimulate the local economy: Evidence from Brazil
In addition to their impact on poverty, cash transfers can have positive spillovers to the local economy
Published 05.08.22
The value of job displacement insurance programmes in developing countries: Evidence from Brazil
Income support for laid-off formal workers can be beneficial even in countries with high informality, but how the benefits are disbursed matters
Published 22.02.21
Unemployment benefits or severance pay?
What are the trade-offs between unemployment benefits and severance pay?
Published 28.11.18
The welfare effect of inducing persistent changes in behaviours
The welfare effect of policies aimed at changing behaviours persistently may be larger than usually measured because of 'hysteresis'
Published 02.08.18