Return to capital in small firms Investment in small firms led to monthly returns of 6% in Sri Lanka. However, the growth prospects for most of them remain unchanged. Firms Christopher Woodruff Published 12.12.17
Estimating productivity spillovers among firm networks in Indonesia Clustering of firms in Indonesia only leads to substantial productivity spillovers in a few industries, suggesting the need to review cluster policies Firms Samuel Bazzi Amalavoyal Chari Shanthi Nataraj Alexander Rothenberg Published 28.11.17
The effect of aid on growth: Evidence from a quasi-experiment Analysis suggests physical infrastructure investments are a key driver of growth impacts from aid Finance Sebastian Galiani Stephen Knack Lixin Colin Xu Ben Zou Published 28.04.16
Manufacturing growth and the lives of Bangladeshi women The rise of the Bangladeshi garment industry can help explain declining fertility, increasing age at marriage, and increasing educational attainment Public Economics Rachel Heath Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak Published 04.08.15
Let them buy light in rural Bihar Solar micro-grid product can bridge the gaps in access to electricity, with potentially large economic and welfare gains to households Energy & Environment Robin Burgess Nicholas Ryan Anant Sudarshan Published 21.06.17