Informality, consumption taxes and redistribution Taxes on consumption help governments in developing countries redistribute thanks to the presence of large informal sectors Public Economics Pierre Bachas Lucie Gadenne Anders Jensen Published 07.08.20
Mexico’s economic growth puzzle: A conversation with Santiago Levy Why has economic growth stuttered in Mexico despite, on the face of it, implementation of sensible economic policies by successive governments? Macroeconomics & Growth Santiago Levy Published 04.12.19
How to cast a wider tax net? Experimental evidence from Costa Rica A simple tax enforcement email aimed at non-filers offers a cost-effective solution for improving tax compliance Public Economics Anne Brockmeyer Spencer Smith Marco Hernandez Stewart Kettle Published 28.01.19
Firms, informality, and development Lower informality does not necessarily translate to higher total factor productivity or improved welfare Firms Gabriel Ulyssea Published 10.09.18
Law of the land: Ethnic patronage in Kenya’s slums Slum tenants face higher rents and lower investments when their landlord and chief share ethnicity, while gaining when their chief is a co-ethnic Infrastructure Benjamin Marx Tavneet Suri Thomas Stoker Nidhi Parekh Published 11.05.18