Irrigation plays a pivotal role in agricultural adaptation to climate change
An irrigation expansion project in China serves as solid evidence for effective climate change adaptation
The benefits of small-scale irrigation pumps for Kenyan farmers
Small-scale irrigation pumps in Kenya provided both economic and non-economic benefits to smallholder farmers, and improved the position of women in the household
Pricing and water conservation in Bangladesh
The prevalence of fixed prices can explain the low adoption of efficient irrigation technology, but incentivising farmers to convert to marginal pricing does not reduce water usage
Factor market failures and the adoption of irrigation in Rwanda
Land and labour market failures lead to inefficient adoption of otherwise promising irrigation technology
Do India’s farmers use too much water?
Rationing electricity supply limits farmers’ water use to a nearly efficient level on average, but also lowers agricultural productivity
Impacts of water loss on low-income farmers in India
Farmers with dried up wells cultivate less land with fewer profitable crops, while taking up relatively more off-farm employment opportunities