Unconditional cash transfer programmes and intimate partner violence in Kenya Unconditional cash transfers to women reduce both sexual and physical violence inflicted on them, while transfers to men only reduce physical violence Social Protection Johannes Haushofer Charlotte Ringdal Jeremy Shapiro Xiao Yu Wang Published 02.09.19
Can electricity access help solve poverty in Kenya? Ensuring sufficient investment to establish reliable access to comprehensive basic services, beyond electricity, is needed for impacts to be achieved Energy & Environment Kenneth Lee Edward Miguel Catherine Wolfram Published 29.07.19
Improving shock-coping with savings: The case of transactional sex Mobile banking to increase personal savings reduces the use of transactional sex for shock-coping among vulnerable women in Kenya Finance Kelly Jones Erick Gong Published 19.07.19
HIV testing and risky sexual behaviour What is the likely impact of unexpected HIV test results on risky sexual behaviour? Health Erick Gong Published 15.05.19
Can climate change make us antisocial? How is global warming likely to impact our behaviour and how we interact with one another? Energy & Environment Edward Miguel Published 24.04.19
The limits of rural electrification Kenya's work connecting rural communities to the national electricity grid allows us to examine the impact of electrification on people's lives Energy & Environment Kenneth Lee Edward Miguel Catherine Wolfram Published 18.01.19
Agricultural productivity and rural-urban wage gaps revisited: Lessons from panel data Cities don't make workers (much) more productive, but productive workers move to cities Migration & Urbanisation Joan Hicks Marieke Kleemans Nicholas Li Edward Miguel Published 30.07.18
Law of the land: Ethnic patronage in Kenya’s slums Slum tenants face higher rents and lower investments when their landlord and chief share ethnicity, while gaining when their chief is a co-ethnic Infrastructure Benjamin Marx Tavneet Suri Thomas Stoker Nidhi Parekh Published 11.05.18
Kinship taxation and firm growth: Evidence from Kenya Pressure to share income with relatives, acting as a ‘kinship tax’, can discourage productive activity by impeding firm growth Firms Munir Squires Published 08.05.18