Lila Cardell
Research Economist, USDA Economic Research Service (ERS)
Lila Cardell is a research economist in the International Trade and Development Branch of the Market and Trade Economics Division at the USDA Economic Research Service (ERS). The International Trade and Development (ITD) Branch's mission is to provide economic research, information, and analysis of international food demand, food and agricultural trade, global food security, and agricultural and trade policy issues affecting the United States and other countries that are major participants in global agricultural trade. Her work focuses on international food insecurity and the impact of price risk on smallholder farmers.
Recent work by Lila Cardell
Why farmers might prefer to sell at harvest: Evidence on price risk and storage from Sub-Saharan Africa
Prices don’t always rise after harvest, so rather than store maize and risk selling later at a lower price, farmers may prefer to sell straight away
Published 08.12.22