M Niaz Asadullah
Professor of Development Economics, University of Malaya
M Niaz Asadullah is Professor of Development Economics in the Faculty of Economics and Administration at Malaya University where until recently he additionally held the post of Deputy Director at the Centre for Poverty and Development Studies (CPDS). His research interests include development economics, economics of education and labor economics. He is a Visiting Fellow at Oxford (SKOPE, Dept of Education), Reading, Chulalongkorn, Manchester and Mindanao State Universities, Research Fellow at the IZA Institute of Labor Economics and Southeast Asia Lead for the Global Labor Organization (GLO). Previously he worked at Reading University, BRAC (research and evaluation division), BRAC University (Institute of Governance Studies) and has held visiting positions at Harvard University (Centre for International development) and Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies. He is also a Fellow of the ESRC Peer Review College and an Associate Editor of the Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, Singapore Economic Review and the Asia Pacific Education Review.