How government analytics can improve public sector implementation
What do we know about the implementation infrastructure in governments? How can we learn more, and what benefits would improved government analytics have for citizens?
How financial education of managers can help improve firm practices: Evidence from Mozambique
Low-cost interventions such as executive education courses can improve firms’ financial practices and decision making, and trigger economic development
Improving management through worker feedback: Auto-manufacturing in China
Letting workers provide feedback on their managers leads to significant reductions in worker turnover and increases in team productivity
Learning management through matching: Experimental evidence from Ethiopia
Evidence from Ethiopia shows that interning in a management role for a month leads to higher wage earnings and can help some people run profitable businesses
Do management interventions last?
Management interventions are shown to have significant and positive short-term effects. But do these effects still persist 8 years later?
What is holding firms back?
Chris Woodruff explains why improving management practices is critical for the growth of the private sector in developing countries.
A family affair: Are dynastic CEOs worse managers?
Dynastic family CEO successions lead to worse management. How can this be improved?
Do management interventions last? Evidence from India
The positive effects of improving management systems persist nine years after management consulting support was provided
What is holding firms back?
Chris Woodruff explains why improving management practices is critical for the growth of the private sector in developing countries.