Pia Raffler is Assistant Professor of Government at Harvard University. She works at the intersection of comparative and political economy, with a regional focus on Africa. She is interested in political accountability, in particular in the role of political oversight over bureaucrats for public service provision, and voting behavior. She works closely with government agencies to understand impediments to accountable representation, and uses a combination of field and survey experiments and observational data.
Raffler has been a fellow at the Center for the Study of Democratic Politics and the Niehaus Center for Globalization and Governance, both at Princeton University. She is a member of the Evidence in Governance and Politics (EGAP) network, a faculty associate of the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs and the Center for African Studies at Harvard, and a PI advisor of Innovations for Poverty Action. She received her PhD in political science from Yale University in 2017.
Recent work by Pia Raffler
Does bottom-up accountability work? Evidence from Uganda
Whilst bottom-up pressure from citizens can improve healthcare service delivery, there is a ceiling to the positive effects it generates
Published 22.07.19