Cushioning the effects of COVID-19 on the poor How can we best protect the most vulnerable in the developing world during the COVID-19 pandemic? Institutions & Political Economy Rema Hanna Benjamin Olken Published 29.04.20
Are there micro solutions to poverty? Evidence from a long-term follow-up of the Youth Opportunities Programme in Uganda Long-term results from a cash grant programme in Uganda suggests that poverty may be bigger than the issues these types of programmes can address Macroeconomics & Growth Nathan Fiala Published 13.04.20
Building trust: Evidence from workshops on increasing savings in Peru Trust is important in encouraging poor households to hold their savings in bank accounts Finance Sebastian Galiani Paul Gertler Camila Navajas-Ahumada Published 30.03.20
What works when for early-childhood interventions? Evidence from Nigeria Information on raising children is more important in the first two years of a child’s life, whereas cash plays a bigger role from age 2 to 4 Health Imran Rasul Published 18.03.20
Unconditional cash transfer programmes and intimate partner violence in Kenya Unconditional cash transfers to women reduce both sexual and physical violence inflicted on them, while transfers to men only reduce physical violence Social Protection Johannes Haushofer Charlotte Ringdal Jeremy Shapiro Xiao Yu Wang Published 02.09.19
Cash transfers and intimate partner violence Cash transfers are a promising tool to reduce intimate partner violence, but can they be effective across diverse contexts and programme design? Social Protection Melissa Hidrobo Shalini Roy Published 29.03.19
The long-term effects of cash transfers: Mexico’s Progresa Conditional transfers in childhood improve education, labour, and economic outcomes in adulthood, especially for women Social Protection Susan W. Parker Tom Vogl Published 17.12.18
Remedying early life weather shocks with Mexico’s PROGRESA Mexico’s conditional cash transfer programme improved the life of disadvantaged children even when not explicitly targeted Social Protection Achyuta Adhvaryu Teresa Molina Anant Nyshadham Jorge Tamayo Published 26.11.18
One problem with giving aid to small villages How do cash transfers impact prices? Evidence from rural Mexico Public Economics Seema Jayachandran Published 24.10.18