economic development
Pathways to development in a less integrated world
What is the pathway to development in a world marked by rising economic nationalism and less international integration?
The reversal of the gender education gap with economic development: A cross-country analysis
There is a strong negative relationship between income and gender education gaps, a phenomenon that persists despite widely varying gender norms across countries
Industrial policy for economic development
What have economists learnt about using industrial policy to promote economic development?
Economic development and the organisation of labour
Evidence from the Jobs of the World Project shows that as countries develop they undergo three broad transformations in the organisation of labour: the marketisation of work, the emergence of wage work, and the fractionalisation of labour into specia...
Coming home to prosperity: How return migration promotes economic development
Evidence from Mexico shows how migrants can foster local economic development after returning to their countries of origin
The role of trade in economic development
Welfare gains from trade openness are dependent on whether trade results in a reallocation of resources towards or away from distorted sectors
Why market structure matters for development: Evidence from the global cement industry
Market power in the construction sector raises prices and undermines long-term growth in poor countries
Multinationals and local development: Evidence from the United Fruit Company
Investment in amenities by large foreign companies induced by labour market competition can have persistent positive effects on local living standards
The impact of presidential appointment of judges: Montesquieu or the federalists?
Presidential appointment of judges may be costing Pakistan about 0.14% of GDP or about $400 million in land expropriations every year