Political Economy
Political economy and development
Key takeaways from research on political economy and development, and some important questions which remain unanswered
Chinese foreign aid: Can self-interest benefit recipients?
China's domestic political needs drive much of its foreign aid to other countries – yet this aid has potentially large economic benefits for recipients
How crisis-driven migration shapes voting behaviour: Evidence from Colombia
As half a million Venezuelan refugees seek amnesty in Colombia, locals exercise their voice through voting
Digging for dirt: Rent-seeking among elected politicians in India’s mineral belt
Increases in local mineral wealth raise both the likelihood of criminally charged politicians entering office and asset accumulation among incumbents
Can low-capacity governments work with local leaders to increase tax revenues? Evidence from the Democratic Republic of Congo
City chiefs collecting taxes in Kananga, DRC, outperformed state agents thanks to their superior local information about potential taxpayers
The economic and political consequences of India’s demonetisation
Despite BJP’s demonetisation policy having some negative economic impacts in India, why did they win the Uttar Pradesh state election?