Recent work by Robin Burgess
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Ideas for development
Robin Burgess on motivating civil servants, breaking the poverty trap by increasing productivity, and the political economy of electricity
Evidence to practice: Context-based data collection
Robin Burgess, director of the IGC, talks about the importance of careful data collection and the structure of civil service.*
Tackling youth unemployment
Vocational training programmes, rather than apprenticeships, make it easier for youth in Uganda to move between firms and out of unemployment.
Tackling youth unemployment: Vocational training versus apprenticeships
While both vocational training and apprenticeships raise employment of poor Ugandan youth and are cost-effective in the long run, vocational training has larger impacts
Labour markets and poverty in village economies
Programme to provide ultra-poor women in Bangladesh with livestock assets suggests one-off interventions can be effective in fighting extreme poverty
Let them buy light in rural Bihar
Solar micro-grid product can bridge the gaps in access to electricity, with potentially large economic and welfare gains to households