Designing cities in developing countries: Land planning, slum upgrading and reconstruction programmes
The cities of developing countries are growing rapidly. How can economists design urban policy to raise the living standards of urban households?
Law and order? The effect of a policy to re-establish control of Rio de Janeiro’s favelas
A policy to pacify Rio de Janeiro’s favelas reduced murder and robbery, yet many other forms of crime increased
Incentivising quality of public infrastructure excludes users and worsens public health
A study of community toilets in India shows importance of fully subsidising basic services and of measures to prevent overcrowding and degradation
Cities in the developing world
Should development economists focus more on analysis of cities?
Pipe dreams: Enforcing payment for water and sanitation services in Kenya
How can policymakers solve the problem of non-payment of utility bills while still maintaining access to water and sanitation services?
Law of the land: Ethnic patronage in Kenya’s slums
Slum tenants face higher rents and lower investments when their landlord and chief share ethnicity, while gaining when their chief is a co-ethnic
The audacity of hope: Poverty and aspirations
Evidence from Latin America suggests that solely encouraging unattainable aspirations among poor households does not improve their welfare