Tahir Andrabi
Stedman-Sumner Professor of Economics, Pomona College
Tahir Andrabi is the Stedman-Sumner Professor of Economics at Pomona College. He is an invited researcher at JPAL MIT, and has been a visiting scholar at MIT, a senior research associate at STICERD LSE, and a consultant for the World Bank. He is a co-founder,board member and Director, Social Policy and Public Goods Program of the Center for Economic Research, Pakistan in Lahore, Pakistan. In 2017-2020, he was the inaugural Dean of the Lahore University of Management Sciences School of Education. He has published extensively in major economics and education journals including the American Economic Review, Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Human Resources, and Comparative Education Review. In 2007, his work on religious education in Pakistan received the George Bereday Award for the best paper published in Comparative Education Review in 2006 from the Comparative and International Education Society. His research on education is available at (LEAPS–Learning and Educational Achievement in Pakistan Schools).
Recent work by Tahir Andrabi
Communicating evidence on education policy
What is the evidence on effective education policies in low- and middle-income countries? How can academics communicate this evidence to policymakers?
Published 14.08.24
The education spending multiplier: Evidence from schools in Pakistan
Grants given to public schools in Pakistan increase test scores in both public and private schools as a result of increased competition
Published 03.04.23
Can performance pay allow schools to attract and retain better teachers? Evidence from Pakistan
Performance pay contracts attract teachers who improve both test score and non-test score outcomes for students
Published 02.08.21
The power of information in improving school performance
Giving parents information on the performance of schools in Pakistan improved test scores and enrolment, and reduced the cost of private school tuition
Published 26.06.17