Law of the land: Ethnic patronage in Kenya’s slums Slum tenants face higher rents and lower investments when their landlord and chief share ethnicity, while gaining when their chief is a co-ethnic Infrastructure Benjamin Marx Tavneet Suri Thomas Stoker Nidhi Parekh Published 11.05.18
Kinship taxation and firm growth: Evidence from Kenya Pressure to share income with relatives, acting as a ‘kinship tax’, can discourage productive activity by impeding firm growth Firms Munir Squires Published 08.05.18
Unintended voter polarisation by political elites: Experimental evidence from Turkey A door-to-door information campaign in Turkey unintentionally polarised the electorate over their vote in a policy referendum Institutions & Political Economy Ceren Baysan Published 07.05.18
Demographics and FDI: Lessons from China's one-child policy China’s one-child policy increased its capital-labour ratio and reduced FDI inflows relative to India, consistent with neoclassical fundamentals Macroeconomics & Growth John Donaldson Christos Koulovatianos Jian Li Rajnish Mehra Published 04.05.18
The equitable benefits of Colombia’s bus rapid transit system Investments in bus rapid transit systems can lead to large returns that benefit the high-skilled more than we might expect Infrastructure Nick Tsivanidis Published 01.05.18
Integrated and unequal? The effects of trade on inequality in developing countries Does trade increase inequality? The answer is nuanced and context-specific, but the solution for policymakers is not protectionism. Trade Pinelopi Goldberg Nina Pavcnik Published 30.04.18
Labour market effects of workfare programmes: Evidence from India’s NREGA India’s NREGA programme increased rural and urban wages and reduced rural to urban migration Labour Markets Clément Imbert Published 27.04.18
The audacity of hope: Poverty and aspirations Evidence from Latin America suggests that solely encouraging unattainable aspirations among poor households does not improve their welfare Public Economics Sebastian Galiani Paul Gertler Raimundo Undurraga Published 24.04.18
The development of modern Africa: Conflict, resources and institutions Resource-rich countries do poorly when they have resource-rich neighbours, why? Possibly due to increased conflict. Institutions & Political Economy Achyuta Adhvaryu James Fenske Gaurav Khanna Anant Nyshadham Published 23.04.18