Selection and incentive effects of teacher performance contracts in Rwanda Pay for performance can improve student learning without negative impacts on the type of teacher that gets recruited or retained Education Clare Leaver Owen Ozier Pieter Serneels Andrew Zeitlin Published 16.07.21
Improving school outcomes with better data sharing: Evidence from Chile Shrinking school–parent information gaps through text messaging can be an effective way to improve grades and attendance outcomes for schoolchildren Education Samuel Berlinski Matias Busso Taryn Dinkelman Claudia Martínez A. Published 30.06.21
Impact of needs-based financing for college on labour market outcomes: Evidence from Jamaica Need-based assistance appears to improve academic and longer-term labour market outcomes for college students in Jamaica Education Nicholas A. Wright Published 21.05.21
How simple technologies can improve learning: Evidence from Niger Calling teachers and students once a week almost doubled the impact on reading and maths test scores of an adult education programme in Niger Education Jenny Aker Christopher Ksoll Published 19.04.21
Rank and peer effects in higher education: Evidence from India A more selective academic environment benefits female students along multiple dimensions but male students fail to take advantage of this exposure Education Utteeyo Dasgupta Subha Mani Smriti Sharma Saurabh Singhal Published 12.03.21
Can kindergarten combat learning inequality? Participation in early childhood education programmes can lead to improved and lasting learning outcomes for disadvantaged children Education Joshua T. Dean Seema Jayachandran Published 09.02.21
Can minimum-age-of-marriage laws eradicate child marriage? Evidence from Mexico Increasing the minimum age of marriage to 18 years old in Mexico reduced formal marriage but did not prevent school dropout or early motherhood Institutions & Political Economy Cristina Bellés-Obrero María Lombardi Published 08.01.21
Is virtual coaching of teachers less effective than in-person coaching? Evidence from South Africa Face-to-face interactions between teachers and their coaches might yield better results in teacher training than more high-tech, virtual approaches Education Jacobus Cilliers Brahm Fleisch Janeli Kotzé Nompumelelo Mohohlwane Stephen Taylor Tshegofatso D. Thulare Published 04.01.21
Promoting parental involvement in schools: Evidence from Mexico Group-based interventions can increase parental engagement in school, change parents’ behaviour at home and improve children’s behaviour in school Education Felipe Barrera-Osorio Paul Gertler Nozomi Nakajima Harry Patrinos Published 11.12.20