financial incentives
Sharing financial incentives between community health workers and their supervisors improved healthcare in Sierra Leone
A shared performance incentive scheme for health workers and their supervisors improved productivity and health outcomes and was more effective than paying the incentive to only one group
Can laws change attitudes and behaviours around child marriage in the absence of strict enforcement? Experimental evidence from Bangladesh
A video experiment uncovers the potential pitfalls of relying on legal reforms alone to reduce female early marriage in low-income countries
The selection of talent: Experimental and structural evidence from Ethiopia
Financial incentives for job applicants can help firms attract high-quality candidates and also encourage those from disadvantaged backgrounds to apply
The economics of child marriage
Empowerment programmes improve adolescent girls’ educational and labour market outcomes; financial incentives are effective in reducing child marriage
The unexpected effects of financial incentives on healthcare providers
Whilst financial incentives to healthcare providers might seem a sensible solution to improving service provision, evidence from DRC shows otherwise