How are econometric methods applied by researchers in development economics?
How has research featured on VoxDev used different econometric techniques? Here are some examples from recent development economics research, offering insights for students, teachers and academics.
Digital access and infectious disease spread
Access to 3G broadband internet in Indonesia reduced COVID-19 cases by approximately 45%, a relatively large impact compared to the effectiveness of other non-pharmaceutical interventions. Areas with higher literacy rates and a greater ability to tel...
Mexico’s Telesecundarias: A remote learning success story
When does distance learning work? Telesecundarias have operated in Mexico since 1968 and have succeeded in boosting student performance and closing urban-rural gaps. Mexico’s experience provides key lessons on designing effective remote education pro...
Financial access boosted labour market outcomes in Brazil
Access to vehicle financing in Brazil improved mobility and generated large returns (12-15% per year) through improved labour market outcomes
Boosting consumption in China: The effectiveness of minimum wages
Minimum wage increases in China are spent rather than saved, and are not associated with increased unemployment. In households with children, a significant portion of the additional income is allocated to healthcare and education.
How conflict shaped social cohesion in Colombia
Conflict in Colombia, fueled by coca production, negatively impacted social cohesion, particularly in areas where militias dressed as civilians and where violence was intense
How oil royalties have shaped education and labour markets in Ecuador
In Ecuador, royalties from oil extraction have increased average educational attainment and generated good jobs in the formal sector, despite reducing incentives to pursue tertiary education.
Power-sharing institutions can mitigate violent contests for natural resource rents
Local elections in Nigeria may improve representation at the local level, contributing to a more peaceful resolution of contests for resources
WTO accession increased intimate partner violence in Cambodia
Cambodia’s extensive unilateral trade liberalisation following its accession to the WTO in 2004 led to physical, sexual, and psychological violence against women in districts where tariff reductions were more pronounced