Olivier Sterck

Associate Professor at the University of Antwerp and the University of Oxford

Olivier Sterck is Associate Professor at the University of Antwerp and the University of Oxford. He is the lead economist of the Refugee Economies Programme (REP). His research builds bridges between development economics, health economics, and refugee studies.

With colleagues from the Refugee Economies Programme, Olivier has been collecting and analysing data on more than 15,000 refugees and members of host populations in Kenya, Uganda, and Ethiopia, exploring themes such as refugee economies, self-reliance, mobility, cross-border trade, and refguee mental health. In partnership with the World Food Programme, Olivier has been assessing the impact of various cash transfer models on the socio-economic outcomes of refugee households and refugee businesses in the Kakuma refugee camp and the Kalobeyei settlement in Kenya. He has also worked with the World Bank on various impact evaluations of cash-based assistance programmes in Africa. His work in health economics examines how to encourage prevention and increase access to antiretroviral therapies in high-prevalence countries.

For a complete list of publications, see his personal website: https://oliviersterck.wordpress.com

Recent work by Olivier Sterck