The education spending multiplier: Evidence from schools in Pakistan
Grants given to public schools in Pakistan increase test scores in both public and private schools as a result of increased competition
School internet access improved student learning in Peru…but it took time!
School-based internet access boosted test scores in Peru, but these effects took time to materialise
Human capital growth: An engine for structural transformation
Growth in human capital reduces agricultural labour supply, while in turn the expansion of non-agricultural sectors drives human capital growth
Improving school outcomes with better data sharing: Evidence from Chile
Shrinking school–parent information gaps through text messaging can be an effective way to improve grades and attendance outcomes for schoolchildren
Negotiating a better future: Experimental evidence from Zambia
Can we increase girls’ educational outcomes through endowing them with negotiation skills?
Returns to work, child labour, and schooling: The income versus price effects
Returns to child work play an important role in determining child labour and schooling through changing the opportunity costs of schooling
Does vocational educational training work? Experimental evidence from Mongolia
Can investments in vocational training, contrary to the existing research literature, actually improve labour market outcomes?
Goals and gaps: Tackling educational segregation of immigrant children
Career counselling helps close the immigrant-native gap in high-school track choice, grade repetition, and cognitive skills
The role of disbursement timing in conditional cash transfer programmes: Long-term effects
An experiment in Colombia shows that delaying disbursement of conditional cash transfers can have substantial long-term effects on educational investment