How can governments fund unemployment insurance in low-income settings?
Unemployment insurance (UI) in Senegal can provide significant welfare gains, but given high levels of informality and a lack of transparency about workers’ status, these gains depend on programme design. UI funded through payroll taxes is effective ...
The impact of privatising the management of a sanitation utility: Evidence from Senegal
Privatising sludge treatment centres improves sanitation outcomes and reduces desludging prices without concentrating market power
Do improved cooking stoves inevitably go up in smoke? Evidence from India and Senegal
New evidence on the adoption and impacts of various improved cooking stoves offers promising options for climate policy and poverty alleviation
Using mobile money to improve access to sanitation services in Dakar
Subsidies see a greater take up of mechanised latrine desludging than mental accounting nudges for better public health
Justice delayed is justice denied: Speeding up court pre-trials
Evidence from Senegal shows that the length of legal pre-trials can be reduced whilst not impacting quality of decisions
Quality doesn't speak for itself: Evidence from the Senegalese onion market
Agriculture market reforms that allow quality recognition enable farmers to capture higher prices and lead to adoption of better technology