Jobs in Peru use a larger number of skills than comparable jobs in the US. This lack of specialisation is consistent with firms’ hiring of "toderos" (workers with many skills, do-it-alls), given the high levels of worker reallocation.
Unemployment insurance (UI) in Senegal can provide significant welfare gains, but given high levels of informality and a lack of transparency about workers’ status, these gains depend on programme design. UI funded through payroll taxes is effective ...
Providing free access to all modern contraceptive products for three years in local public health centres in rural Burkina Faso had no detectable effect on birth rates, suggesting that fertility levels are in line with how many children families want...
How should policymakers design environmental markets when they might attract participants who were planning to conserve the environment regardless of the market?
A new experiment in Mozambique found that the social stigma attached to HIV has been falling, but people do not tend to realise it. A simple message that informed individuals of their communities’ true (low) degrees of stigma substantially increased ...
New causal evidence shows boosting African women's income and wealth increases fertility, particularly among women without a son, suggesting that this fertility increase is a means to safeguard long-term economic security.