Mobile Money: Issue 2
Strengthening climate resilience in agriculture
Climate change is increasing the severity and incidence of extreme weather events. How can policymakers help build farmer resilience to these shocks?
Combatting school-based violence and nurturing hope in El Salvador
An innovative after-school programme provides vulnerable youth in El Salvador pathways to success and resilience
Do ultra-poor graduation programmes build resilience against droughts? Evidence from rural Ethiopia
A relatively light-tough graduation model serves to buffer households - and women in particular - from the adverse effects of drought in Ethiopia
Unpacking multi-faceted anti-poverty programmes
Can you build sustainable income for the very poor with individual parts of multi-faceted programmes?
The dynamic effects of cash transfers: Evidence from Liberia and Malawi
Cash transfers improve food security for up to two years, but without an increase in food expenditures and non-agricultural income
Public works and welfare: Evidence from the Central African Republic
How did the Londö public works programme in the Central African Republic affect participants' welfare?
The effects of food scarcity on trusting behaviour: Evidence from Tanzania
Food scarcity decreases trust among Tanzanian farmers, reducing the resilience of affected communities
Building resilience through social protection: Evidence from Malawi
Resilience measures can predict choice of coping strategies, helping targeted cash transfers improve how vulnerable households respond to shocks