Understanding the lack of skill specialisation in Peru
Jobs in Peru use a larger number of skills than comparable jobs in the US. This lack of specialisation is consistent with firms’ hiring of "toderos" (workers with many skills, do-it-alls), given the high levels of worker reallocation.
Timing matters: Long-term impacts of Conditional Cash Transfers in Nicaragua
Conditional cash transfers in Nicaragua during primary school led to higher schooling and earnings in adulthood, but mechanisms differed by sex
Grassroots party activism by women promotes equal political participation
In Indian local politics, women politicians empower women party activists for their campaigns, which reduces gender gaps in political knowledge and political participation
How gender norms are perceived across the world
Data from 60 countries across six continents reveals that, in almost every country, the support for basic rights is underestimated, especially among men, suggesting that aligning perceived and actual views may be a promising policy intervention to ra...
Indian women are not dropping out of paid work voluntarily
What factors underlie the persistently low labour force participation rates of Indian women?
Rising food prices are putting children in harm’s way
New evidence on malnutrition risks among 1.27 million children from 44 low- and middle-income countries quantifies the significant negative health effects caused by rising food prices
Long-term and intergenerational benefits of early childhood health interventions
An early childhood health intervention in Bangladesh benefitted adult’s human capital and economic outcomes as well as human capital in the next generation
Educational disparities between children begin at home
Evidence from India shows that inequality between children starts at home, when parents decide how to split investments in education between their children
Sanitation and property tax compliance: Analysing the social contract in Brazil
A household’s access to the urban sanitation network can have a significant impact on whether it pays its taxes