Reducing the size of administrative units improved local governments in India
The creation of smaller local government polities resulted in greater public good access across multiple dimensions – village-level infrastructure, individually-targeted benefit programmes, and workfare programmes – over both the short and long run.
Decentralised governance in developing countries
What do we know about the impacts of decentralised governance in developing countries?
Something to complain about: How minority representatives overcome ethnic barriers
Access to formal complaints technologies improves minorities’ strategic bargaining power within local government and improves public good provision
Decentralisation under changing state capacity: Experimental evidence from Paraguay
Decentralising the monitoring of public sector workers is cost-effective, but as central state capacity increases this advantage disappears
Managing ethnic divisions in diverse societies: Evidence from redrawing political boundaries
Redrawing subnational political boundaries potentially reduces interethnic tensions yet also can create new ethnic divisions that exacerbate conflict