Using role models to reshape gender attitudes: Evidence from schools in Somalia Female role models improved gender attitudes and educational aspirations of primary school students, with particular impact on boy(s)/male students Education Elijah Kipkech Kipchumba Catherine Porter Danila Serra Munshi Sulaiman Published 08.09.21
How education technology impacts human capital gains in Mexico A recent analysis highlights the promising impacts of television-based teaching, an area ripe with opportunities for future research Education Raissa Fabregas Published 25.08.21
Can performance pay allow schools to attract and retain better teachers? Evidence from Pakistan Performance pay contracts attract teachers who improve both test score and non-test score outcomes for students Education Christina Brown Tahir Andrabi Published 02.08.21
Selection and incentive effects of teacher performance contracts in Rwanda Pay for performance can improve student learning without negative impacts on the type of teacher that gets recruited or retained Education Clare Leaver Owen Ozier Pieter Serneels Andrew Zeitlin Published 16.07.21
Reshaping gender attitudes: Evidence from schools in India Integrated school-based interventions to advance gender equality can achieve lasting changes in regressive attitudes and behaviours Education Diva Dhar Tarun Jain Seema Jayachandran Published 07.07.21
Improving school outcomes with better data sharing: Evidence from Chile Shrinking school–parent information gaps through text messaging can be an effective way to improve grades and attendance outcomes for schoolchildren Education Samuel Berlinski Matias Busso Taryn Dinkelman Claudia Martínez A. Published 30.06.21
The effects of working while in school: Evidence from Uruguay A work-study programme increased both youth work experience and education enrolment and had a positive effect on earnings Education Thomas Le Barbanchon Diego Ubfal Federico Araya Published 08.06.21
Impact of needs-based financing for college on labour market outcomes: Evidence from Jamaica Need-based assistance appears to improve academic and longer-term labour market outcomes for college students in Jamaica Education Nicholas A. Wright Published 21.05.21
How simple technologies can improve learning: Evidence from Niger Calling teachers and students once a week almost doubled the impact on reading and maths test scores of an adult education programme in Niger Education Jenny Aker Christopher Ksoll Published 19.04.21