Bridging the gap: Reducing rural isolation with new infrastructure New bridges generated a 19% internal rate of return by mitigating the loss of wage income due to floods and inducing spillovers on farm productivity Infrastructure Wyatt Brooks Kevin Donovan Published 07.09.18
The welfare effect of inducing persistent changes in behaviours The welfare effect of policies aimed at changing behaviours persistently may be larger than usually measured because of 'hysteresis' Energy & Environment Francisco Costa Francois Gerard Published 02.08.18
Measuring the equilibrium impacts of credit: Evidence from the Indian microfinance crisis Revoking access to microcredit was costly – and not just for the households that borrowed Finance Emily Breza Cynthia Kinnan Published 22.06.18
Economic shocks and crime: Evidence from the Brazilian trade liberalisation Homicides increased in Brazilian regions exposed to greater foreign competition following trade liberalisation, with employment rates the main driver Trade Rafael Dix-Carneiro Rodrigo R. Soares Gabriel Ulyssea Published 15.06.18
Digital financial services go a long way: Evidence from Mexico Debit cards reduce travel distance raise trust in financial institutions, and increase account use Finance Pierre Bachas Paul Gertler Sean Higgins Enrique Seira Published 08.06.18
Managing ethnic divisions in diverse societies: Evidence from redrawing political boundaries Redrawing subnational political boundaries potentially reduces interethnic tensions yet also can create new ethnic divisions that exacerbate conflict Institutions & Political Economy Samuel Bazzi Matthew Gudgeon Published 16.04.18
A toxic environment: Rapid growth, pollution and migration Pollution is driving the young and well-educated out of China's cities Migration & Urbanisation Shuai Chen Paulina Oliva Peng Zhang Published 02.03.18
To cut waste and graft, collect taxes When local governments in Brazil improve tax collection rather than rely on grants to raise revenues, local officials help citizens, not themselves Public Economics Lucie Gadenne Published 29.09.17
Property rights and poverty reduction: Effects of land titling on Argentina’s urban poor Reducing the cost of land titles and simplifying the systems can improve land security and livelihoods of the poor Infrastructure Sebastian Galiani Published 05.09.17